The Fremantle Primary School P&C (Parents and Citizens) Committee is a vibrant team of dedicated and inspired parents, who give of their time to organise and generate extra-curricular activities and infrastructure for the whole school community.
Highlights of the P&C’s initiatives so far include:
- The annual school disco (which funds the senior year camp and is much loved by the students)
- The annual staff and parents’quiz night
- Movie Nights
- New iPad’s for students
- The annual lap-a-thon
- The update of the school library
- Life Skills for Kids program
- Various other fundraising activities.
The P&C currently consists of the following members:
Executive Committee
President: Sam Cockle
Vice President: Emilia Norcross
Secretary: Pip McMullen
Treasurer: Nicole Cabot
Future members are warmly welcomed to join, and any potential members or even just interested on-lookers, are always welcome to come to a meeting. Meetings are held twice a term, usually in the evening, in the school library.
All email contact for the P&C: