Contributions & Charges

Fremantle Primary School seek parent support through voluntary contributions and charges for students. This is in accordance with the Western Australian Education Act.

We urge all families to consider the benefits paying these contributions will make to the effective running of Fremantle Primary School.

Contributions complement the school’s annual budget allocation and allow for the provision of additional opportunities for students. Your prompt payment of this contribution assists the school in providing further quality educational resources for your child.

Charges are estimated and included in a letter of proposed contributions and charges sent out to parents in Term 4 each year. Charges are an accurate estimate of the maximum likely cost to be paid for the various activities during the year.

Examples of charges include the cost of whole school and class incursions / excursions, swimming lessons, multicultural days, Edu-dance and other incursions and excursions.

Fremantle Primary School prefers that parents pay for their school charges with a one-off Bulk Payment.

Please click on the link below for information on Contributions and Charges and methods of payment.

2025 Voluntary Contributions and Charges

Potential optional costs include Instrumental Music and PEAC charges, which will be specified by the organising schools. School Photographs are not included in the contributions and charges outlined above. Parents wishing to purchase school photographs will need to pay for these separately from the contributions and charges.

P & C Voluntary Contributions:

$50 per student

The P&C supports the school in offering an array of services, programs and resources that is well in excess of what the school could offer with only the $60 School Contribution and Government funding. Examples of this support include financial support for classroom computers and interactive whiteboards, new reading texts, funding for playgrounds and supporting events and activities.

Parents who are unable to support the P&C by providing their time to help at P&C activities are invited to make a voluntary contribution to the P&C of $50 per child if they so desire. This invitation is open to any parent wishing to do so.